ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

Journal Metrics

Impact Factor 0.5
Five Year Impact Factor 0.5
JCI 0.12

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Top 10 downloaded articles
- September 2024 -
Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 11
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Monocyte to high-density lipop... 6
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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man


Editorial policy

The Romanian Journal of Laboratory Medicine, the official journal of the Romanian Association of Medical Laboratories, publishes peer-reviewed original papers, general and professional reports of laboratory medicine, both in printed and electronic form. The Journal's articles are issued in English.

The objective of the journal is to publish new information that would lead to a better understanding of biological mechanisms involved in human diseases, their prevention and diagnosis as early as possible, and to improve therapy and evolution monitoring.

The journal is a support for young scientists to present their findings, and also includes a section entitled "Lecture Notes", targeted at medical residents and other professionals wishing to update their knowledge in the addressed areas.

The following categories fit into the scope of the Journal: biochemistry, general clinical chemistry, cell biology, cytology, genetics, histology, immunology, microbiology (bacteriology, virology, parasitology and mycology), molecular biology, morphology, physiology, epidemiology, infectious diseases, experimental laboratory and clinical studies, medical informatics, laboratory organization, automation, quality control and evidence based laboratory medicine, analytical techniques.

The following article types are accepted: Original research article, Review, Original professional paper, Case study / Series case studies, Course Notes, Short Communication, and Letter to the Editor. Advertisements, news, and special issues are also acceptable as non-indexed publications.

The journal is a member and subscribes to the principles of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), follows the “Uniform Requirements” recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), and complies with CC BY 4.0 license.

All advertisements are subject to the approval of the Journal editorial team, which reserves the right to reject or cancel any ad at any time. All sponsored publications are independent from editorial decisions. The Romanian Journal of Laboratory Medicine does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or promoted by a sponsor in a publication. Authors should describe the conflicts-of-interest and acknlowledge any service. Proprietary names of pharmaceutical products described in the published papers must be accompanied by the chemical, generic, or official names.