RRML - Multi-anticoagulant and EDTA dependent pseudothrombocytopenia. Case reports on two pediatric patients

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Nr. 22(2)/2014 DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2014-0017

Multi-anticoagulant and EDTA dependent pseudothrombocytopenia. Case reports on two pediatric patients

Smaranda Arghirescu, Mihaela Bătăneanț, Cristian Jinca, Andreea Pașcalău, Mihaela Lelik, Mihaela Preja, Ladislau Ritli, E.C. Ursu, Margit Șerban, Hortensia Ioniță


Pseudothrombocytopenia is an in vitro sampling problem which may mislead the diagnosis towards the more critical condition of thrombocytopenia. The phenomenon occurs when the anticoagulant used while testing the blood sample causes clumping of platelets which mimics low platelet count without any clinical signs. This may determine unnecessary, expensive and invasive investigations and even treatment. In this article we report two cases of pseudothrombocytopenia diagnosed in pediatric patients.

Keywords: pseudothrombocytopenia, multi-anticoagulant, EDTA

Received: 17.07.2013
Accepted: 15.03.2014
Published: 11.05.2014

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How to cite
Arghirescu S, Bătăneanț M, Jinca C, Pașcalău A, Lelik M, Preja M, et al. Multi-anticoagulant and EDTA dependent pseudothrombocytopenia. Case reports on two pediatric patients. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2014;22(2):191-8. DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2014-0017