RRML - Influence of anticoagulants, pH and integrity of blood cells on haemoglobin glycation process in vitro

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Nr. 1(1)/2005

Influence of anticoagulants, pH and integrity of blood cells on haemoglobin glycation process in vitro

Enikő Nemes-Nagy, Trefor Higgins, Becky L. Shank, Zoltán Pap, Ştefan Hobai


From the 5 anticoagulants studied, Na citrate and K2EDTA proved to be the best choices, and pH of 7,5-8 was ideal for following in vitro glycation process. No real difference occurred between samples diluted with saline and Hepes buffer. Samples with intact blood cells presented a better kinetics compared to hemolized samples.

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How to cite
Nemes-Nagy E, Higgins T, Shank BL, Pap Z, Hobai Ş. Influence of anticoagulants, pH and integrity of blood cells on haemoglobin glycation process in vitro. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2005;1(1):20-6