RRML - Influence of dietary supplement Diavit on metabolic balance in type 1 diabetic children

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Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 4(3)/2006

Influence of dietary supplement Diavit on metabolic balance in type 1 diabetic children

Terézia Szőcs-Molnár, Enikő Nemes-Nagy, Iulia Dunca, Irina Truţa, A. Ferenczi, R. Morar, V. Balogh-Sămărghiţan., Anca Sin


The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of Diavit on metabolic balance in diabetic children. Material and methods: A simple-blind, placebo controlled study was carried out on a group of 8-18 years old diabetic children. We followed, amongst other parameters, the evolution of glycated haemoglobine, insulin doses, glycaemic profile, urine analysis. Results: Mean values of glycated haemoglobine presented a significant decrease under the treatment with Diavit (p<0,05), glycaemic profile shows a significant improvement (p<0,005), most of the patients (63%) reduced their insulin doses due to frequent hypoglicaemia. Glucosuria diminished under the treatment with Diavit, the difference is at the limit of significancy (p=0,0609), and the slight decrease in cetonuria is not statistically significant (p=0,2629). The patients did not present any unpleasent side-effects during the study. Treatment with placebo did not cause significant differences in these parameters. Conclusions: Treatment with dietary supplement Diavit, associated with insulin, has significant benefic effects on metabolic balance in the studied patients, without presenting any side-effects, so it deserves to be part of the phytotherapeutical arsenal we use in diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus,phytotherapy,metabolic balance.

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How to cite
Szőcs-Molnár T, Nemes-Nagy E, Dunca I, Truţa I, Ferenczi A, Morar R, et al. Influence of dietary supplement Diavit on metabolic balance in type 1 diabetic children. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;4(3):36-9