RRML - Electrophoretic changes of tear proteins in microvascular complications of type II diabetes mellitus

ISSN online: 2284-5623

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 4(3)/2006

Electrophoretic changes of tear proteins in microvascular complications of type II diabetes mellitus

Andreea Chiva, Lucia Debeleac


The aim of this study was to assay the electrophoretic changes in tear proteins at 80 subjects (55 with diabetes mellitus type II and 25 normal) and their correlations with another parameters used for microvascular complications management. The electrophoretic separations were made using HYRYS-HYDRASYS SEBIA semiautomated system and agarose gel as support. Low mean percentage values of lactoferrin and lysozyme simultaneous with an increasing of mean percentage values of albumin and proteins 20-60kDa with additional bands in this molecular weight zone are characteristics of tear proteins profile in patients with diabetic retinopathy. The seriousness of tear proteins changes (valuated by lactoferrin levels) is statistically correlated with diabetes duration (p<0.05), microalbuminuria (p<0.02) and retinopathy (p<0.04); no statistic correlation with Hb A1c and Lp(a) has been reported. CONCLUSIONS: Electrophoretic profile of tear proteins is a very useful test for ocular complications care in type II diabetes mellitus. It is, also, a good prognostic parameter for their aggravating potential. The statistic correlation of tear proteins changes with microalbuminuria support the idea that ocular complications are strongly connected with other systemic microvascular complications, such as diabetic nephropathy.

Keywords: electrophoresis,proteins,tears,lactoferrin,lysozyme.

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How to cite
Chiva A, Debeleac L. Electrophoretic changes of tear proteins in microvascular complications of type II diabetes mellitus. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2006;4(3):40-8