RRML - The evaluation of a diagnostic test

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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man

Nr. 8(3)/2007

The evaluation of a diagnostic test

V. Bacârea, Anca Bacârea, T. Călinici, M. Măruşteri, Ch. Petitot


A diagnostic test is a measurement used to indicate the presence or absence of a specific disease as condition in a patient from a specific patient population. The parameters that could be calculated are Sensitivity and Specificity. More exactly, in medicine we use clinical sensitivity and specificity. In order to calculate those parameters for a new diagnostic test it is necessary to develop a comparative procedure also called „golden standard”. When this „golden standard” is not available, the construction of a new one becomes appropriate. Furthermore, if that construction is not possible we can calculate a level of agreement. Evaluating a diagnostic or even screening test could be a difficult task, if the methodological issues are not followed.

Keywords: diagnostic test,“golden standard”,agreement

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How to cite
Bacârea V, Bacârea A, Călinici T, Măruşteri M, Petitot C. The evaluation of a diagnostic test. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2007;8(3):65-70