Expression of insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA-binding protein 3 (IMP3) in various normal and neoplastic human tissues
Adela Nechifor-Boilă, Alin Nechifor-Boilă, Andrada Loghin, Ramona Cătană, Angela Borda
Abstract: The aim of our study was to evaluate the expression of IMP3 in various normal human tissues, including embryonic tissues and placenta, and also in various human malignancies after testing the optimal immunostaining protocol for mouse monoclonal IMP3 antibody (DAKO, clone 69.1). Material and methods: Representative paraffin blocks, including both tumoral and normal tissues (ovarian, testicular, colon, pancreas, thyroid, skin, lung and adrenal tissue) were selected for immunohistochemistry. Embryonic tissues (a 12th and a 7th week old embryo) and placenta were also evaluated. Immunohistochemistry was performed according to the standard procedures, after a prior standardization of the immumunohistochemical protocol for IMP3 using normal human ovary, with known positivity for IMP3. Results: We found that IMP3 is overexpressed in many somatic embryonic tissues, placenta and in some malignant tumors. By contrast, IMP3 level was undetectable in normal human tissues, except in the oocytes of the ovary. Strong and diffuse expression of IMP3 was also demonstrated in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, while well-differentiated thyroid tumors stained negative for this marker. Conclusion: As IMP3 positive staining was restricted to embryonic and tumor tissue, compared to normal tissue, this molecule may represent a very promising marker for prognostic evaluation in various tumors. Our findings regarding thyroid carcinoma suggest that IMP3 could also be used as a prognostic marker in thyroid carcinoma. However, this is only a hypothesis and further studies on larger number of cases, with long-term follow-up are needed.
Keywords: IMP3,immunohistochemistry,embryo,ovary,anaplastic thyroid carcinoma
Nechifor-Boilă A, Nechifor-Boilă A, Loghin A, Cătană R, Borda A. Expression of insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA-binding protein 3 (IMP3) in various normal and neoplastic human tissues. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2012;20(2):163-72