RRML - Serum level of apelin-13 negatively correlated with NT-proBNP in heart failure patients

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Nr. 24(4)/2016 DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2016-0035

Research article

Serum level of apelin-13 negatively correlated with NT-proBNP in heart failure patients

Cerasela Mihaela Goidescu, Florin Petru Anton, Daniel Corneliu Leucuța, Petru Adrian Mircea, Luminița Animarie Vida-Simiti

Correspondence should be addressed to: Cerasela Mihaela Goidescu


Background: Apelin is a potent endogenous inotropic peptide with a major role in counteracting the aldosterone and angiotensin II and their negative effects on the cardiovascular system. The exact role of apelin in the pathophysiology of this disease is not well understood. We aimed to investigate the possible associations of apelin-13 with clinical and paraclinical characteristics in HF patients as well as studying its dynamics during the course of the heart failure. Method: We performed a prospective observational cohort single-center study. We compared the baseline serum levels of apelin-13 and NT-proBNP level in 53 heart failure patients (acute heart failure, chronic compensated heart failure and chronic decompensated heart failure). We divided the patients according to the apelin-13 level: above and below the median, and we analyzed the relationship between serum apelin-13 and the clinical, echocardiographic, electrocardiographic and biological parameters. Twenty patients were followed-up (after an average time interval of 9 months), investigating the same parameters. Results: The median of apelin-13 was 495pg/mL (IQR 276-845pg/mL). We found strong, negative correlation between the serum levels of apelin-13 and NT-proBNP (Spearman rho= -0.83, p<0.001). For the reassessed patients the median apelin level was significantly higher at follow-up (460 pg/mL, IQR 342-871 pg/mL) as compared with the baseline level (395 pg/mL, IQR 270-603 pg/mL), p=0.019, and maintained the negative correlation with NT-proBNP level (Spearman’s rho -0.7, p<0.001. The Low Apelin-13 group have higher NT-proBNP levels and also contains all the patients in NYHA IV class heart failure, 71% of the acute HF patients, and 7 of 8 patients who died before follow-up. Conclusion: Apelin-13 was negatively correlated with NT-proBNP. The Low Apelin-13 group contained the majority of the patients with a negative outcome (death before follow-up), most of the patients who presented with acute HF and all the patients in NYHA IV class.

Keywords: heart failure; apelin;NT-proBNP; peptide

Received: 2.6.2016
Accepted: 23.9.2016
Published: 26.9.2016

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How to cite
Goidescu CM, Anton FP, Leucuța DC, Mircea PA, Vida-Simiti LA. Serum level of apelin-13 negatively correlated with NT-proBNP in heart failure patients. Rev Romana Med Lab. 2016;24(4):399-412. DOI:10.1515/rrlm-2016-0035