Short communication
Comparison of Total Bilirubin Values Measured with ABL 735 Blood Gas Analyzer and Roche Cobas C8000 Chemistry Analyzer in Age-Segregated Pediatric Patients
Esra Acar, Fatih Hunc, Tugba Kum, Fatma Ceyla Eraldemir, Hale Maral Kır, Canan Baydemir
Correspondence should be addressed to: Esra Acar
Abstract: Aim: Measurement of blood bilirubin levels is a crucial analysis because of the toxic effects of bilirubin on brain tissue, particularly in preterm neonates. The aim of this study was to investigate the consistency of the total bilirubin values obtained by the blood gas analyzer and the autoanalyzer.
Material and Methods: In this study, we used total bilirubin data of 407 pediatric patients from Kocaeli University Medical Faculty Education and Research Hospital Central Laboratory System. Total bilirubin data, provided that it was measured simultaneously, was obtained from ABL 735 blood gas analyzer and Roche Cobas C8000 chemistry analyzer. Pediatric patients (neonates, infant and children under 17 years old) were selected retrospectively by year between 2015-2017.
Results: Under a cut-off value (14.6 mg/dL) ABL 735 blood gas analyzer and Roche COBAS C8000 chemistry analyzer had strong correlation (r = 0.939) for total bilirubin measurements. It was found that 2-15 days old neonates give more scattered total bilirubin data by Bland Altman analysis in two measurements. Statistical analysis performed to compare whole total bilirubin data identity between two measurements: correlation coefficient was found r = 0.949 a statistically significant positive correlation (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: According to our analysis which was supported by previous studies in the literature, we can say that the compatibility between the blood gas analyzer (multi-wave-length spectrophotometric technique) and the chemistry analyzer becomes weaker when the total bilirubin levels exceed 14.6 mg/dL.
Keywords: bilirubin, blood gas analyzer, chemistry analizer, pediatric patients
Received: 9.8.2018
Accepted: 25.12.2018
Published: 8.1.2019