ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Impact Factor 0.5
Five Year Impact Factor 0.5
JCI 0.12

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- February 2025 -
Association of neutrophil-to-l... 15
A comparative study of legisla... 13
Correlation between fecal biom... 12
COVID-19 or systemic lupus ery... 10
CALLY index, but not HALP scor... 9
Correlations of vascular cogni... 8
Romanian Review of Laboratory ... 7
A diagnostic classifier for os... 7
Investigation of cytokine chan... 6
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Concept, Design & Programming
Dr. Adrian Man


Articles from Nr. 4(December)/2008

  1. Platelet function monitoring tests in the evaluation of platelet antagonists efficacy
    Elena Bobescu
  2. Monitoring T315I mutation in chronic myeloid leukemia by amplification refractory mutation system PCR
    Delia Dima, Adrian P Trifa, Andrei Cucuianu, Radu A Popp, Mariana Paţiu, Ljubomir Petrov
  3. Cytogenetic analysis in acute myeloid leukemia in Tîrgu Mureş
    Claudia Bănescu, Ionela Paşcanu, Katalin Csép, István Benedek, Erzsebét Benedek, Carmen Duicu
  4. The value of some immunohistochemical and serological markers for the diagnosis of a peculiar uterine tumor in a postmenopausal woman: case report
    Alis Dema, Carmen Ardeleanu, Elena Lazăr, Sorina Tăban, Codruţa Lăzureanu, Dana Terzea, Maria Cornianu, Doru Anastasiu
  5. Analysis of oral expression of the diabetes-periodontal disease binomial relationship in a juvenile population
    Liliana Foia, Didona Ungureanu, Vasilica Toma, Mihaela Zlei, Anca Indrei, Danisia Haba, Daciana Brănişteanu
  6. Involvement of yeast species in fungaemia – an investigation of clinical data
    Annamária Földes, Doina-Veronica Bilca, Edit Székely, Farkas Enikő, Felicia Toma