ISSN online: 2284-5623

ISSN-L: 1841-6624

Rejection rate (2020): 75%

Română English

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Association of neutrophil-to-l... 15
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Dr. Adrian Man


Articles from Nr. 1(March)/2013

  1. What about microparticles? Perspectives and practical aspects
    Andra Costache, Simona I. Avram, Alina Cernucan, Doina Barbu, Silvana Angelescu, Delia Mut Popescu, Anca R. Lupu
  2. Evaluation of serum hepcidin variation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis according to anemia profile and its correlation with disease activity
    Adriana Sabău, Madălina Văleanu, Horațiu D. Boloșiu, Alexandra M. Crăciun
  3. Tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment outcome in a single center cohort of chronic myeloid leukemia patients. The role of the T315I ABL kinase domain mutation
    Delia Dima, Adrian P. Trifa, Mariana Pațiu, Cristian S. Vesa, Ioana C. Frinc, Ljubomir Petrov, Andrei Cucuianu
  4. Determining hemoglobin reference values in children and teenagers from Sibiu area
    Maria Totan, Felicia G. Gligor, Marius Bojita, Camelia Grigore, Cristina Grigore
  5. Infant acute leukemia with lineage switch at relapse expressing a novel t(4;11)(q21;q23) MLL-AF4 fusion transcript
    Iuliu C. Ivanov, Daniela Jitaru, Georgiana E. Grigore, Mihaela Zlei, Anca V. Ivanov, Silvia Dumitraș, Eugen Carasevici, Ingrith C. Miron
  6. Molecular characterization of complex chromosomal changes in de novo acute myeloid leukemia: a case report
    Nicoleta P. Berbec, Sorina M.F. Papuc, Andreea C.D.F. Tutulan-Cunita, Silvana M. Angelescu, Anca I. Lupu, Aurora A. Arghir
  7. Carcinosarcoma of the breast with massive osseous malignant component: a basal-like entity with myoepithelial differentiation
    Cristina Marian, Daniela Soanca, Kinga Szabo, Monica Boros, Simona Stolnicu
  8. Study regarding the use of salivary 8‑hydroxideoxyguanosine and Interleukin-1 gene polymorphism - as potential biomarkers in the diagnosis of aggressive periodontitis
    Victoria Badea, Mircea Grigorian, Cristina Nucă, Corneliu Amariei, Alina Martinescu, Lavinia Voineagu
  9. Risk for metabolic syndrome in a group of overweight children from South-East Romania
    Bianca I. Chesaru, Michaela Dobre, Gabriel Murariu, Aurel Nechita
  10. Inhibition of Streptococcus pneumoniae adenylate kinase by some 5-arylidene-thiazolidin-4-on-2-thione derivates
    Mihaela I. Ionescu, Adriana Z. Costache, Ovidiu Oniga, HoriaL. Banciu, Iulia Lupan
  11. The serum level of the immunomodulatory peptide cathelicidin LL37 and T helper cell type 1 inflammatory response in viral hepatitis B, C, and D
    Simona A. Iacob, Eugenia Panaitescu, Diana G. Iacob, Manole Cojocaru